Morse Code Translator by Various Words

Input "alphanumeric" or "morse code" ▼
Conversion result ▼



This tool can convert a dot(period[.]) and a dash(hyphen[-]) and a space of morse code to any words by replacement.
1. Input replaced words to [.], [-], [space].
2. Input "plain of alphanumeric" or "morse code" to a text area of above.
3. Choose "Code" or "Plain" by a switch button.
4. Then the conversion result is shown to a text area of under.
The plain corresponds to only "alphanumeric". Words in correspondence outside aren't converted.
Make replaced words([.], [-], [space]) separate completely. When there is same words, you can't sometimes convert right.
Please try it when you'd like to exchange a message funnily.


When copying a sentence from touch display in a text area, conversion result isn't output.
In that case, push a switch button or input any words at the end of copied sentence. Then it's output.


Example1. [.]: oh, [-]: yes, [space]: !
"LOVE" <> "ohyesohoh!yesyesyes!ohohohyes!oh!"

Example2. [.]: h, [-]: a, [space]: i
"Laugh" <> "hahhihaihhaiaahihhhhi"

Example3. [.]: ow, [-]: b, [space]: !
"DOG" <> "bowow!bbb!bbow!"

Example4. [.]: 🐶, [-]: 🐱, [space]: 🐷
"BOWWOWMEOWOINK" <> "🐱🐶🐶🐶🐷🐱🐱🐱🐷🐶🐱🐱🐷🐶🐱🐱🐷🐱🐱🐱🐷🐶🐱🐱🐷🐱🐱🐷🐶🐷🐱🐱🐱🐷🐶🐱🐱🐷🐱🐱🐱🐷🐶🐶🐷🐱🐶🐷🐱🐶🐱🐷"


Japanese Version

created by @ariafloat

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